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How to Add Website Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools?

Do you want your website to be one of the prominent web pages in the Google search? Then follow simple analysis and steps to improve web traffic towards your site using Google tools. Sitemap is a set of web pages available for users and crawlers. The sitemaps can be of any type of document or URL links or web pages on a website. The basic purpose of sitemaps is to have better visibility of your web pages and to convey Google about pages available in your website. They are organized in a hierarchical fashion to explain web design and web pages.

The versions of a sitemap can be categorized into two types: XML sitemap and HTML Sitemaps. Both these markup languages are used to list all web pages in the Google webmaster tool. In XML sitemap, a user is not required to know about the structured format but you get to know about the web pages and the importance of each page related to your search. HTML sitemaps help you find the content of the pages but do not present all the sub web pages. Sitemaps can be used as a navigation aid to get an overview of the entire web page at a glimpse. For your website to be in the top search results, you have to add your website to webmaster tools. Google is one of the most prominent web searches and many people use this website for various reasons from a day in and day out. The website sitemaps should be added to Google webmaster to obtain visibility.

Google webmaster is a set of tools which are mainly to give the publishers a basic understanding of their website with few major inputs. There are certain steps to be followed on how to add website sitemap to Google webmaster tools. The first and foremost step is to get your free account with webmaster tools managed by Google. Your main purpose is to convey Google about your website and the web pages pertaining to it. Once you have logged into the webmaster tool, add your website’s URL and it will take you to the next step. It is required to verify your ownership on the website and it is mandatory to choose “meta tag” as the verification method. Copy the entire Meta tag HTML structure and paste it on your website’s homepage. Find the HTML template file and open the file through store design in the control panel. Save the HTML file after adding the copied Meta tag file. After completing the above steps, return to the webmaster tool and click verify button to fulfil the verification process.Sitemap.xml and html

In order to add website Google webmaster tools, you will have to follow similar steps as that of the sitemaps addition. Google helps the publishers by increasing the number of crawlers towards your website. Click the specific website in the webmaster tool homepage and under the crawl control panel click fetch as Google. This will obtain you more crawlers to your website and once the URL ( ) is added successfully, then click submit to an index to complete the addition process. The above explained are the basic steps on how to add website Google webmaster tools with the help of Google at free of cost.

There are few guidelines to be followed before creating a sitemap to link to the website. It can only contain 50,000 URLs and the capacity should be less or equal to 50 MB when uncompressed. It is better to split the sitemaps into smaller quotients in order to avoid huge file capacity and thus reduces the risk of overloading and reduced speed. All the sitemaps can be brought into one index file and that can be added to webmaster tool and it avoids the herculean task of adding every sitemap URL. These sitemaps are language independent of the content used on the website. Depending upon the type of files used on the website, you should include specific namespaces as they are predefined for images, video, and mobile. Once the namespaces are defined, you have to add tags depending upon your requirement. The next step is to submit a sitemap to Google webmaster tools.

There are a few mandatory steps to be implemented while submitting your sitemap. The first step is to upload your sitemap to your site and then in the webmaster tool choose the file you want to append. To fetch the relevant web pages in google, you have to optimize this sitemap URL by clicking the optimization button and then click sitemaps to add the same. Add the sitemaps to the webmaster and then complete the URL path in the additional text box given. Once all the above information is provided, click submit a sitemap to complete the entire submission process. You can also inform Google by submitting the sitemap adding a specific line to the robots.text.file. If you have made some modifications to the sitemaps you can resubmit it, for the changes to adhere.

To have more consistent crawlers towards your website, you need to have a strong domain authority which is a measuring factor to decide the power of your website. Many website owners have this haunting question in their mind as what is domain authority and how can we improve it.  Domain authority ” ” is based on three prime factors namely: popularity, age and size.

It is well known that we trust any product depending upon the longevity of the brand and its consistency in the market. In the same way, search engines fetch the web pages which are trusted due to its longevity, good maintenance of website registration and increased traffic in the course of time. This is the major factor which filters the new websites which pop up then and there and chide in a limited period of time. There are three important ways by which you can improve the domain authority: Build inbound links, add pages and obtain longevity. Domain authority is mainly measured due to its popularity and this kind of reputation is obtained by inbound links in the specific website.

If you create and share quality content consistently, you can earn the recognition very soon. Start adding more pages to your website which will, in turn, increase inbound building and increase the probability of fetching your web page through the search engine. Consistently increase your traffic and register your website for a long time which will gain you the trust from the search Sitemap.xml and htmlengine.

If you want to get a detailed report about the web traffic to your website, then Google analytics is the best way to generate your reports. It is also important to know how to track keyword ranking using Google analytic which will determine the web traffic reaching your website. Create a new account in the Google analytic web page and add filters in a particular format and within a few hours, you start viewing the results. As a website owner, you should also know how to track your content performance through Google analytics.

Through Google analytic you can easily make out the types of viewers who enter your domain through search engines, referring sites, direct traffics and others. By analyzing the viewers, you will be able to strike a chord with the viewers and their expectation!

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