The Internet rules our life. Google is the uncontested emperor of the virtual world. Unsurprisingly, internet marketing has emerged to be a multi-billion dollars industry. And the stakes are getting higher every passing year. Here, SEO experts call the shots, and the corporate world has slowly accepted their importance. Anyway, this has spiked the demand
The Internet rules our life. Google is the uncontested emperor of the virtual world. Unsurprisingly, internet marketing has emerged to be a multi-billion dollars industry. And the stakes are getting higher every passing year. Here, SEO experts call the shots, and the corporate world has slowly accepted their importance.
Anyway, this has spiked the demand for SEO professionals who shape the online marketing strategy of their clients. Many fresh graduates have also shown interest in the domain. But, what it takes to become a SEO expert? Is the industry future-proof? Or it will fade away soon?
There are several questions to answer. Here, I will try to focus on each aspect of the SEO industry. Let’s roll!
What is SEO?
SEO or Search Engine Optimization means attracting the maximum web traffic via search engines. So, a site’s success directly depends upon optimization techniques. But, if you ask me, the word ‘SEO’ is misleading. A better and more inclusive term would be ‘Digital Marketing’.
Digital marketing is concerned with putting a brand online, and getting the maximum attention possible. SEO is only a part of the complete picture. But, every part is important to complete the puzzle.
No, I am not arguing that SEO is dead. In fact, I am a firm believer in the immortality of the technique. However, things have changed. The industry is highly demanding.

Amusingly, SEO is increasingly similar to the Swiss army knife. So, you need to serve multiple purposes simultaneously. Sadly, many companies treat SEO professionals as data entry executives. Apparently, they are still suffering from the hangover of the initial days of internet marketing.
In reality, digital marketing is a really wide term. Your SEO experts are the ones responsible for your success or failure in the online world.
Is SEO Just a Fad that will fade Away?
No, as long as the internet is here, SEO won’t go anywhere. I would like to add that the industry is still in the nascent stage. In fact, several developing nations have just woken up to the idea of online marketing. Sadly, the division between developed and developing economies is clearly visible.

But, I am optimistic. In fact, I expect huge growth opportunities in developing markets. Large brands actively utilize SEO for brand promotion. And things are slowly getting interesting for even smaller brands that may find it lucrative to spend in online marketing.
What It Takes to Become an SEO professional?
I know that you are eager to join the bandwagon. But, what are the basic requirements to become an SEO professional? You need to answer several questions to evaluate your capabilities. Have a look at some of the crucial questions:
1. Are You Technically Proficient?

If programming languages trouble you, you are not cut out for the SEO industry. In my profession, we monitor each trivial movement of the search engines. Basic knowledge of HTML programming is recommended. Obviously, you will be expected to adopt new technologies without complaints.
If you lack a basic understanding of HTML, get moving and learn it.
2. Can You Work Round the Clock?
SEO is not your typical 9 to 5 job. Things change here overnight. If you want to be successful in this industry, be prepared for sleepless nights and long working hours. In addition, it may take months and even years to extract results. Of course, patience is the biggest virtue in the industry.
I also spend countless hours in my office. You can call me a workaholic, but I like to stay ahead in the game. Anyway, online marketing is not a game for the weak-hearted.
3. Are You Willing to Stay Hungry?
The SEO industry is fickle. It is always evolving. I have spent several years in the industry; still, I am learning new things. This is what makes this industry so exciting. I highly recommend every young professional to get comfortable with change.
At times, it could get frustrating to witness drastic changes. But, an SEO professional should look beyond such blockades. Instead, you should be thirsty for new concepts, and implement them to stand out from the competition.
4. Can You Build the Right Strategy?
A successful SEO professional not just build tactics, he builds strategies. Online marketing reminds of any other typical branch of marketing where extensive planning is required. You must understand that the future of your clients is in your hands. And you need to work hard to ensure their success.
I will not comment on the right strategy in this blog. But, it needs to be mentioned that there is no perfect recipe for a successful digital strategy. What works today may not work tomorrow. However, the job is pretty exciting for anyone with an interest and aptitude in handling marketing and brand promotion for a company.
5. Can You Juggle Many Hats?
SEO is not a dead-end job. It gives ample opportunities in the form of overwhelming diversification. A competent SEO professional needs to juggle different processes. For example, content marketing, Social Media Optimization, video optimization, link building, and many more.

Anyway, in the present competitive world, no professional can work in a bubble. In the SEO landscape, Google and other search engines have high hopes from website owners. Hence, as a responsible professional, you need to guide them.
6. Are You Data-driven?
A job as an SEO professional requires an obsession with data. You may have to collect, analyze and report piles of date to the clients. But, there is no need to be a Math genius. You only need to develop a penchant for numbers, analytical tools, and precision.
Final Words:
SEO as a career is not a bed of roses. But, excitement and opportunities make it one of the most exciting professions in the world. Use the comments section gives below to ask your queries or submit your feedback.
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